Thursday, September 20, 2007


Keeley is determined to help us experience everything parenting has to offer, so whatever Luken managed to skip over, she's taking one for the team and filling in!

She didn't nap well yesterday afternoon - woke up crying and was really agitated, so I got her up, and after that she seemed just fine. Bedtime went smoothly at 8:00pm.

Fast forward to 2:30am when she woke screaming, wheezing, gasping, the works! I quickly suspected croup, so we looked up the symptoms and calmed her down, but she kept wheezing no matter what. The advice nurse had us do the hot shower steam thing, followed by some fun playing in the freezer, but it had no effect, so I took her to the ER at 4:00am. Boy was she pissed off about them putting the oxygen saturation monitor on her toe, and just about anything else they tried to do to her! She had a cool mist nebulizer treatment for a while (she actually liked sniffing in the mist!) and then an oral steroid, and they sent us on our way with an Rx for more steroid. She slept from 5:30am -10:30 (when I couldn't stand it anymore and went in to check on her, and she woke up.)

She's been in pretty good spirits today, just a little tired. I can definitely still hear the rattle in her lungs in every breath. We have our fingers crossed that she will sleep OK tonight. Todd and I are both exhausted from the lack of sleep. Luken was up EARLY this morning for some reason, so Todd only got a little sleep while Keeley and I were at the ER, and I got a bit more sleep from 6ish to 7:30am. *Yawn*

Anyway, now we've had the middle of the night croup experience..... Wheeeeeeee!


Chelsea said...

Feel better soon sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I just love the 4th (?) one with all the yellow behind her... love it! I love, love, love ice cream pictures!