Saturday, September 22, 2007

I scream, you scream, we all scream for...

...CUSTARD, naturally! LOL!

Friday evening, after our standard pizza order, Todd said, "Get your shoes on, we're going for custard!" Luken's first thought was, "Yippee!!" My first thought was, "I've gotta grab my camera for this!"

At the local custard joint, they offered us the free baby cone, so I said, "What the heck?" (After all, it would make for the CUTEST photos! :))

TOO many photos here, but I had a really hard time whittling down the 136 frames I took!!
These aren't even all the ones I thought were worth editing, so if you're hungry for more (ha ha!), click here:

Keeley, with THE CONE!


Digging in!

Sweet girl!

Hmmm.... what's Luken got?

Side-by-side siblings!

Here, try this! (Oops! It was a gummy bear.... not for babies!)

That's better, try some sundae!

More sweetness!


Let's try the other end!


Looking up at some grown-up.

What a drip! ;)

I just LOOOOOVED this one, so I had to make it all dreamy! :)

Having fun!

A classic Keeley expression! I adore this photo of her!!!!!!

A little clean-up effort by Daddy.

Two cuties...

In conversation with the owner, either about the custard, or perhaps Luken's standard introduction... "I have a BLUE McQueen!" :D

Checking the owner out!

Custard and laughs.... what could be better???

Walking around, charming all the other patrons!

Happy boy!

This wasn't what I was trying to capture, but I'm glad I did 'cause I'm sure it's better than what I was going for!

Squished up cone in a tiny fist.... awwww!

Chocolate-faced handsome little man!


Detroit said...

You really did capture some great moments! Looks like such a fun place to go too for the family.

Cami said...

I just LOVE these photos. So sweet!