Monday, September 17, 2007

Knife Skills

Over the weekend we had a neighbor and their two boys over for dinner. Their older son is 6, and was allowed to use a knife at dinner, so of course, Luken had to have one, too. And the next day, ha ha! Here he is, showing off his knife skills!

Yes, that is an actual green bean! And he actually ate it! And even ate some more as a bedtime snack, woo hoo!

Posing for the camera! :)

Oh, yes, he was also drinking iced tea from a real GLASS, too! Almost 4 going on 44!


Anonymous said...

That is great! What a cutie!

Detroit said... of those unexpecting growth spurts! lol So cute - big boy stuff, huh?!

Chelsea said...

I love that 2nd pic. He looks so serious!

Anonymous said...

So cute! What great knife skills he has! Gosh I can't imagine the day my boys are using knives, LOL I'm scared!!! hehehe