Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Bucket-Head with One White Shoe!

Keeley at her most Keeley-est! Lately she's been putting the drawer from her play kitchen on her head, and it's so funny! She also has a growing love affair with shoes, and often has just one on while trekking around the house. Here we have both activities going on! :)

A little blurry, but she's on the move, you know!

A noisy and back-lit photo, but she's so cute!

Here, Luken gets in on the fun!

The light is really pretty in the entry during the evening hours, so I tried to lure Keeley down there. She mistakenly believed that we were going outside, and here was her reaction upon learning I only wanted to take pictures in the house!

She was really mad!

More bucket-headedness. Notice Luken issuing directives in the background.

Ah, yes, let's not forget her other favorite toy - baby dolls!!

Just a funny shot.

Just a picture I thought was sweet...

And Luken mugging for the camera!

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