Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Neighbor + Beautiful Weather = Lots of FUN!

We have some new next-door neighbors - a really nice couple who have two sons close to Luken and Keeley's ages! Woo hoo! We've been playing with them frequently, and on this day the weather was GORGEOUS so we took it outside to their back yard.

Here are LOTS and LOTS of pictures!

Jacob, Luken, and Keeley with a giant Wacky Wobble Ball!

Luken and Keeley having some fun!

Whoops! Keeley got knocked over.

Playing Hide-and-Seek with Jacob.

Counting... counting... Ready or not, here I come!

Jacob's turn to count!

Cutie pie!

Fun with sidewalk chalk. Oh, to have a smooth concrete patio! Sure, the aggregate looks nice, but it's not so child-friendly... *sigh*!

Sweet Keeley checking things out! (And she's wearing a dress I bought for her before she was even born! :) )

She really started coming out of her shell and showed off some classic expressions!


Kelli and Luken, drawing a hopscotch board!

And juuuuuuuump!

Jumpin' Jacob!

Luken was COVERED in chalk! The background was blown out in this photo, so I just went with it! :)

The neighbors have a drum set inside, and Luken LOVES it. Here he is pouting that he can't go in and play. Alas, little brother was napping!

Trying to convince me that we should really go inside already! ;)

Sad boy, but what beautiful eyes! (And rainbow skin, he he!)

Trapping Jacob in the empty sandbox! (These boys like to roughhouse with one another - a nice break for the little sibs, yay!)

Kelli showing Luken the bird and nest on their fence.

Ah, there's little Ethan, up from his nap! Isn't he a sweetie???!!

OK, fine, take my pacifier away. See if I care, ha ha!

Luken's colorful shoes, made all the more colorful by the sidewalk chalk!

Then it was time to go home.... much boo-hooing ensued!


Detroit said...

The chalk face and blues are awesome and classic. They look like so much fun! Wish we were closer!

Chelsea said...

How FUN! Isn't it great having neighborhood buddies?

And I totally need a giant Wacky Wobble Ball!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I am way overdue to find your blog!! I have been missing out!!! I'm going to visit all the time now! :) You take such beautiful pics! I think you really have a real talent and wow you have the cutest kiddoes! Seriously, Luken needs to be a model, especially with those eyes!!!

Your daughter is so sweet, she ius always dressed SO cute! Makes me wish I could have a girl in the next few years! hehe!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!