Sunday, April 6, 2008

Some backyard fun!

Spring is springing here, so we're starting to enjoy our back yard again!

Todd had some fun with the kiddos while I snapped away, as usual! ;)

Jumping over!

Keeley kept covering her eyes when Daddy jumped over!

Luken, helping Keeley get back up after falling over. :)

Then, time for some spinning!

Airplane style!

Here, I experimented with zooming the lens during a long shutter. Kinda fun!

Here's a typical Keeley expression. Me thinks she's a lot like her mama, haha!


Chelsea said...

Cool jumping pics! Looks like fun!!

Shelley said...

Holy cow, does Todd have springs in his legs or what? He needs to join the guys for some b-ball! Airitola!!!! Okay, that was really cheesy!!!! I just couldn't resist!

Dawn Endres said...

Whoa! Look how high daddy can jump! Whoo Wee! haha! Those are cool!