Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Two-Year Checkup

Keeley saw Dr. B today for her checkup, and just as I figured, she's absolutely perfect! :D At least 2 years, 4 months developmentally.

25.2 pounds = 30th%
35 inches = 80th%
48 cm head = 70th%

She had to get one shot, which she did not enjoy, but she got over it quickly!

Two of her 2-year molars are in, and the other two are coming in rapidly. After peeking in her mouth, I can understand why she's chewing on her fingers 24/7. It looks painful, poor thing!!

Luken also had to get 2 shots, since he was due for quite a few at his 4-year checkup, and Dr. B doesn't like to do more than 4 at a time. Luken also did not enjoy his shots, but the lollipops and stickers afterwards seemed to help ease his unhappiness! ;)

After that we headed to a local mall to play for a bit. (Our original plans were cancelled, as my friend Susan had the gall to go into labor with her new baby boy, Wyatt!! Congratulations on a successful homebirth, mama!) After we played, we had some lunch, and then popped into the Neiman Marcus cafe to grab a giant chocolate chip cookie. The kids deserved it, right? ;)

Both kids took naps in the afternoon, and are currently tearing the house apart! (*sigh*)

That's all for now. I will work on the Sea World pictures very soon! :D

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I hope mom got some of that big ole chocolate chip cookie, they are too good to pass up! Glad everything went well with Dr. B - was his hair coifed today? :)