It was a very exciting day! We were all anxiously looking forward to it!
Before the game, I took Luken outside to snap a few photos of him looking adorably cute and handsome in his fancy uniform! :D
It was picture day at the park, so the team lined up and smiled!
Goofy shot! :P
This one cracks me up... one lone goofy kid! :D
It was a ridiculously windy day. It was warm at times, as the air temperature was around 70ยบ, but at other times, it felt like mid-winter! Keeley was especially cold, and she wrapped herself up in the picnic blanket to keep warm!
I took her to hang out in the car for a bit and spend some time out of the wind, and when we returned to the field, the team was warming up! Luken is on the left, #6.
Feeling warmer in Daddy's fleece (which people kept comparing to a Snuggie, ha!), Keeley monkeyed around for a bit. :D
Called into the dugout! Luken is ready to start the game!
Aren't they cute?
Game on!
In this age group, each team bats through the entire order (and we have 13 players) once, and then switches. In the second inning, the 3-outs rule applies.
This is coach pitch, and each player gets 3 pitches, then switches to the tee if necessary.
Luken's on deck!
And he's up!
The tongue reappears! <3
No hit off a pitch this inning, so he bat off the tee.
And ran!!
Unfortunately, he was thrown out.
After they went through the whole team, it was time to head out into the field!
We were SO impressed with how well he did! While he goofed off quite a bit in the scrimmage, he REALLY paid attention the whole game this time, and kept moving!
Still, he did strike a few funny poses from time to time...
Chasing after a ball.
Here, he stopped a ball...
...then threw to first!
Hustling back to his post.
Next inning, up to bat once more.
Getting ready while on deck:
And, ready.
This time around, he got a hit off a coach pitch!!!!!!
Run, run, run!!
He made it to first!! A single!
I love how this kid is eyeballing Luken. :D
Watching the next batter.
On second!!
Another teammate got a hit, and Luken's heading to third!
On third base, and eyeing home plate.
Another hit! Goooooo!
And he made it home!! Score!
Sharing his excitement with Daddy!
Daddy let him know that he had earned a point for his team by getting home!
Back on defense later.
He stayed active and engaged by practicing his throwing. <3
Striking that yoga pose once again. :P
After the game was over (they don't keep score, but I'm told by a very trustworthy unofficial scorekeeper that our team won!), they ready for the "good-game" line.
Heading in...
Look Mom, grass stains!!!
Snack time!
And a Reds team cheer!
I might have mentioned how PROUD we are of Luken! We were so impressed by how hard he worked, and are so happy that he had a lot of FUN! This season should be great!
Absolutely Awesome.:)
We will look for you guys out on the baseball diamond - Anna and McKenna are also playing this season (same team!). Luken looks adorable in his uniform and great job hitting off coach pitch - that is awesome!
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