Just thought I'd type out a bit about what we've been up to lately.
Luken is enjoying Kindergarten - he really loves P.E.! And the other day he came home wanting to perform a science experiment from class, and it was so cool! He will probably reenact it again this weekend, and I will take photos of that. :)
Ms. Keeley is officially potty-trained! It only took a couple of days, and really required little effort on our parts - she figured it out on her own, which is the BEST!! She has done just FABULOUSLY with it, and we are so proud!
She enjoys school, as well. She is making friends, and loves the part at the end of the day where she jumps up and down, and then gets her backpack. This past Thursday, they did something making clouds, which one of her teachers said she LOVED, so I look forward to that finished product coming home so I know what she did!
I have been enjoying my time alone with Keeley while Luken is in school. I finally have her attention, and she is a different child when she's not trying to keep up with her big bro. It is also nice to have little girl playdates for her, and she is finally really starting to play well with her friend Hailey! :)
They hug and everything! <3
I also really enjoy my ALONE time when Keeley is in school, even if it is only about 2 hours each time. It's amazing what I can accomplish without interruption! I have been busy doing some deep cleaning around the house, and organizing things.
I've also signed up to go to Keeley's class every now and then to read to the class or help out with art projects. It's nice to have the time to do that, as I couldn't do that for Luken's class, since siblings are not allowed. I also hope to help out at Luken's school from time to time. Keeley and I meet up with him for lunch once a week or so, which is great fun!
Here is Luken enjoying his first school pizza day!
Yesterday afternoon, Keeley and I walked to pick Luken up from school (Keeley in the jogging stroller), and we played with another friend of Luken's on the playground for a while, then took a leisurely stroll home, stopping often to explore. We saw turtles, fish and birds in the lakes, and Luken got up close and personal with a ladybug and a worm, which was cool! The weather is turning just lovely here now, so we intend to do a lot of this while we can!
Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to where I was standing at one point, and felt stinging pain on my feet, then looked down to find I was right on top of a fireant pile. Yes, they are named fireants for a reason! I have 3 bites on one foot, and one on the other. All are largely swollen and quite painful. So, I guess I will hobble around this weekend, and hope the swelling and pain subside quickly. Lesson learned!!!!!!!
Oh, yes, and one other interesting fact: we've learned that Luken has the unusual ability to control his epiglottis when he's inhaling, which makes a weird popping noise when he blocks his own trachea. :P
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